VIBY, DENMARK — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Arla Foods Ingredients the green light to use its whey protein hydrolysates in infant formula.

Arla said its whey protein hydrolysates may support allergy management and gut comfort.

The FDA said Arla’s four ingredients in its Peptigen and Lacprodan ranges meet the definition of peptones in the US Code of Federal Regulation, according to the company.

The four ingredients include:

• Peptigen IF-3032: a hydrolyzed whey protein recommended for allergy management solutions.

• Peptigen IF-3080: for allergy management nutrition solutions.

• Peptigen IF-3085: a partially hydrolyzed protein and may be used in products for infants at higher risks of developing milk allergies.

• Lacprodan IF-3070: may support reduction of gastrointestinal discomfort.

“We invest heavily in preclinical and clinical trials to provide scientific evidence for our ingredients’ benefits,” said Anders Steen Jørgensen, head pediatric business unit of Arla Foods Ingredients. “Our whey protein hydrolysates have been shown to support the safe growth of formula-fed infants who are unable to tolerate traditional milk-based formulas.”