What makes a cheese product a “natural cheese” product?

Rep. Jim Costa (D-Cal.) said he and other representatives introduced the bipartisan Codifying Useful Regulatory Definition (CURD) Act to help better inform consumers’ cheese purchasing decisions.

Here is what some of the legislators behind the bill that would establish a statutory definition of natural cheese said on the matter.

Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif.: “People need to know exactly what they are buying when it comes to the food that they feed their families, including cheese. By codifying a formal definition of ‘natural cheese’ we can empower consumers to understand how their cheeses are made, the inherent differences between natural cheese and processed cheese, and better recognize the hard work and craftsmanship of cheese by our dairy farmers all across the country.”

Angie Craig, D-Minn.: “Farmers across Minnesota who work hard to produce high quality products deserve to have those products labeled accurately, and consumers should know exactly what they’re purchasing at the grocery store or farmer’s market. Our legislation will increase transparency in food labeling and ensure our farmers’ hard work is recognized.”

Bryan Steil, R-Wis.: “The CURD Act is common sense legislation that will help families make informed decisions when purchasing groceries. Wisconsin is a world class producer of cheese, and consumers deserve to know whether they are buying natural cheese or processed cheese.”

Costa: “California is the leading dairy producing state in the nation, providing cheese varieties that rate among the finest in the world. This legislation will provide clarity for consumers to make informed decisions when purchasing and enjoying delicious California cheese.”

In September, trade associations and dairy companies joined up to send Congress members a letter in support of the CURD Act, which would follow the US dairy industry’s lead in using the term “natural cheese” to align with international standards of cheesemaking.