WATERLOO, WIS. — Fresh dairy maker Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese stood out in the fresh mozzarella class during the 2024 World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Products Contest, sweeping the top three spots in the category.

While Crave Brothers’ mozzarella medallions (with a 99.85 score) took first place in the fresh mozzarella class, its mozzarella ciliegine (99.79) finished a close second and its mozzarella hearts (99.77) weren’t far behind, earning third place.

The company also picked up three other awards during the 2024 competition, including another first place distinction, which went to its Yellow Cheese Curds in the plain cheese curds class. Plus, Crave Brothers finished second in two more categories, for its mascarpone in the mascarpone class, and its chocolate mascarpone in the soft open cheese class.

"In a competition with so many strong producers, we're incredibly proud to receive recognition at another international contest," said Beth Crave, the company’s director of quality assurance.

The Wisconsin Dairy Products Association sponsors the contest, which judges dairy products made in both the United States and abroad. This year’s competition featured 93 classes. Winners of first, second and third place in each class will receive their awards at the World Dairy Expo, Oct. 1 in Madison, Wisconsin.

As part of the World Dairy Expo, all products that won first place are auctioned off, with proceeds donated to scholarship programs centered around dairy education.

The complete list of winners from the 2024 competition is available online via the WDPA website.