Dairy Processing
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Flavors developed to mask ‘undesirable off-notes'


AHRENSBURG, GERMANY – A customized flavors and ingredients manufacturer, OlbrichtArom introduced new flavors with masking capabilities. The latest additions to its Functional Flavours line are DairyEnhancer and Sugar-Booster.

Part of the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe, the company said it developed the solutions to compensate for flavor distortions caused by functional additives in products, such as sweeteners, acids, minerals, amino acids, proteins and fats.

OlbrichtArom said its products “mask undesirable off-notes, improve the overall flavor and reduce bitterness or metallic aftertaste.”

The flavor maker said its DairyEnhancer “improves the flavor of dairy products” and enables cost savings “by reducing expensive recipe ingredients without compromising on taste or mouthfeel.” OlbrichtArom’s specialists developed the DairyEnhancer to improve “the creamy, fatty taste” in milk, cream, yogurt and other similar dairy products, as well as mask sour notes.

What’s more, the company said the dairy-focused product may be used in low-fat products to make them taste similar to higher-fat products.

The Sugar-Booster, designed to help low-sugar products, was made to preserve the “positive properties of sugar” in flavor and mouthfeel, the company said.

OlbrichtArom shared that its flavors are available as powders or liquids and may be declared as flavoring or natural flavoring, and considered suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets.